Daily Archives: July 10, 2014

EDUcation-Collaboration And Coaching | The Future

EDUcation-Collaboration And Coaching | The Future

.Collaboration and Coaching

The above logo is a “Wordle Word Clouds” and it is a FREE service. YOU may copy the above logo and use it on YOUR own blog or website by providing a link back to my blog ===> <===.


Top TEAM Why Coaching Time Zones Bottom

Message for The TEAM:  Mindy, Dan ===> Preparation

Please click this link first before STARTING ===> Collaboration-Working As A Team (Especially On Global) And Connected Through Social Media <=== and/or read first the TOPIC below ===> Collaboration-Working As A Team (Especially On Global) And Connected Through Social Media <=== where YOU will find the necessary information on ===> How To <=== work on OUR global collaboration blog, thanks to respect this.



The authors: actually on July 12th, 2014: Gust MEES (Administrator), Mindy KIM (Editor), Dan KIRSCH (Editor), will be represented by THEIR initials such as:


A Reminder




The above mentioned quote from “Albert EINSTEIN” SHOULD get to be taught to Educators, Teachers, Instructors! We, as teaching persons should remember that one on any teaching lesson, this as well as in the classroom and especially when WE publish online (website, blog, Twitter posts…).

Learn more:


Teaching, the profession that creates all other professions


How Did This Blog Start?-The TEAM Explains


GUST-AVRIL2014-800px-2[GM]Well, an online friend on Social Media Twitter ===>  <=== and ALSO a member of my ===> PLN <=== was introducing Mindy [MK] to his ===> PLN <=== (where I belong to as well) as a NEW Twitter user and asking us ALL to give Mindy a bit help as a newcomer. I did through sharing of my blog posts and curation about Twitter and the contact to Mindy became later stronger and she was willing to learn, she was asking to learn more. A very good initiative which I couldn’t refuse as I love sharing my knowledge with others. So one moment come I was explaining most of what she wanted to know over “DM” (Direct [private] Messages) on Twitter, which was working perfectly… At that moment she wanted ALSO to know more about blogging and I gave her a little help through creating a special blog about the first steps with WordPress here ===> Creating Your First Blog Post With WordPress <===. That was the beginning, I will let Mindy [MK] explain more and especially her point of view below…


Mindy KIM-122x142[MK]: I came fresh from a training, where I was the only individual from a public school system, the rest were from private/independent schools. The training was about leadership, best teaching practices, pedagogy, and technology. It was nearing the end of day two, when a guest speaker presented about technology. He had a twitter, a blog, a YouTube channel, and many other tools he utilized to reach his students as well as tools for his own professional development. Unfortunately, until then I had not given much thought into using technology as a way to further my professional development. I furiously took notes and made a “to-do” list of mini-goals I wanted to put into action when the conference was over. Later that weekend I created a twitter account. Unsure of what to expect and how it would transform my professional knowledge. Within minutes I had added the few people I knew, then my phone started buzzing with sounds of others following me thanks to  ===> the only person I really knew.  Others followed me from that first interaction. I was grateful and intrigued. The next hurdle was to create a blog. Where to start? What type of blog? Who will want to read my blog?.. and many other questions ensued. That is where [GM] came in. I had found a source where I could “unload” all the unrelenting questions that I thought about, wondered, and sought advice on. At times meekly asking questions, which transformed into deep conversations sharing thoughts and ideas.

My blogs:

Dan KIRSCH[DK] An online friend ===> @knolinfos Gust MEES and I have been collaborating on several different blog topics; such as our Learn-to-learn: Digital Citizenship blog and our Global Collaboration blog; including @eduinspirations Mindy. K. I was asked if I would want to be a part of this collaboration; in which I jump at the chance!!! The professional development and collaboration I have gained through twitter and blogging with Gust MEES, Mindy K., and Mark W. have given me the inspiration to continue my practice to become the best possible educator and life-long learner that I can be!!! Through participating in twitter chats; such as the #whatisschool chat I have gained a global connection with other educators that I never thought possible. It was suggest to me to start a WordPress blog where I could continue my connections with other educators through collaboration!! I have always used edublogs as my “main” website for my students to collaborate with one another. I never thought about starting or creating my own “personal” blog to continue my own learning until I was invite by Gust MEES to collaborate in a global collaboration blog. Through many direct messages through twitter I have become part of great PLN!!! I look forward to the different avenues this blog topic will take me as I continue my growth as professional educator and life-long learner!! Currently, I have the privilege of being a member of my school districts ICT Curriculum Committee. We are rewriting & updating our ICT classes for students 6-8. To view our ICT Curriculum Essential Guides ==> Click Here. 

My blogs:


Collaboration Infographic

Click the above Infographic, please, to access the article.


WHY Coaching!?

sharing-iconCoaching  is NOT YET accepted that as it SHOULD be in EDUcation, BUT it is a MUST for 21st Century EDUcation as:

        • [GM] It is a Win-Win situation between Teachers and Students (Learners)
        • [GM] It is an essential  win of time, learners learn much quicker
        • [GM] There will be an atmosphere of TRUST between teachers and learners
    • [GM] Due to this TRUST, learners feel more FREE to ask questions
    • [GM] The learners learn to work in a TEAM
    • [GM] It is more exiting to learn on this way
    • [GM] The learners get motivated to learn on THEIR own pace
    • [GM] The learners are “learning to learn
    • [GM] The learners have a voice
    • [GM] The learners could be teacher and learner
    • [GM] Coaching is observing the learners: one finds out WHAT is needed from them and can adapt to ANY situation then.
    • [MK] & [DK]: add more, please, thanks
    • [MK] True collaboration takes place, give/take of information
    • [MK] Build global connections
    • [MK] Build understanding of CULTURES and COMMUNITIES
    • [MK] Connect learning ==> build PARTNERSHIPS
    • [MK] Establish a common language
      • [GM] The common language should be ===> Respect, Tolerance, Adapting, Empathy, Social behavior
    • [DK]
    • Global Collaboration has allowed me to share, learn, and become a better educator, colleague, and educational professional ==> PKM!!
    • Learning through collaboration with other professionals in & out of the classroom!
    • Collaboration provides the #HowTo for ideas within the classroom as an EDUcator as well as a Professional Colleague.
    • [DK] Great Article on Collaboration as a Portfolio
    • HOW TO Coaching:
        • [MK] Establish Roles as a coach==> what it means for ALL
        • [MK] Establish roles and responsibilities, what is the end GOAL?
        • [MK] Establish guidelines to develop critical thinking/critical minds
        • [MK] Establish roles within, each person should have a JOB that uses their strengths



Click the above image, please, to access the article.


[DK] Excellent infographic asking the question ==> What type of leader are you? A Leader or a Boss? The image was received via ==> @Suvisal0  on a recent twitter chat. The image is credited to ==> @sylviaduckworth 

Are you a leader or a boss?

Find below, please, WHAT skills the learners will need in the future.


5 Minds For The Future


By analyzing WHAT WE are doing through the “Coaching” and “Collaboration“, YOU will realize that WE could cover ALL the abilities and skills needed from the above mentioned. BTW: the above screenshot is from the book of “Howard GARDNER” ===> Five Minds For The Future <===, a book any teacher should read to understand what is needed for the future. It should be considered as required reading!

Check ALSO, please:

And check ALSO, please the below.



Image credit ===> Teachers: A Simple (Not Easy) Pedagogy Assessment <===


The above mentioned “Pedagogy Assessmentisn’t THAT difficult, check below, please.



Click the above image, please, to download it as a pdf.



Click the above image, please, to download it as a pdf.



Click the above image, please, to download it as pdf.

YOU can download the 3 pdf’s merged together here <===> 3 PDF’s-document_fusionne



Innovative pedagogical practices


Image credit ===> Horizon Report > 2014 Higher Education Edition <=== (page 4)


I will explain in detail how WE can achieve the above mentioned tasks, it is actually NOT that difficult as most people think 😉


The How To


START learning about:





                    • PKM
                      • [GM] Curation about PKM (Personal [Professional] Knowledge Management
                      • [GM] My blog about PKM




Learning To Learn


                    • Andragogy/Heutagogy
                      • When YOU are dealing with adults and seniors, please check about Andragogy. It’s different from classroom teaching!



Awareness While Working With 21st Century Pedagogy, Tools And Social Media

programmerman2[GM] In the above mentioned sections WE discussed the possibilities of a modern pedagogy and ALSO WE presented some solutions which of course could get extended by other solutions… BUT, isn’t there something different from traditional learning? YES, WE are using NOW the internet and learning doesn’t happen anymore ONLY in school, in the ===> SchoolCocoon <===! There are NO walls anymore as the internet breaks any borders and walls, the internet is present anywhere as far as there is a possible connection. WE are living NOW in  ===> another world <===, a world with two faces, the virtual world and the real world, where the internet (the virtual world) and the real world are influencing each other.

Learn more:


Understanding the internet-QUOTE-12-2014




[GM] It isn’t enough anymore to ONLY know the pedagogy and the used 21st Century tools, also known on Twitter as “EdTech Tools“! While using the internet and services, as also tools (programs and Apps), which are connected to the internet, WE MUST accept WHAT is happening in this “virtual world“! This “Digital World” or “Virtual World” is exactly the same as in the “Real World“, there are BAD and GOOD! Actually there are a lot of dangers in the “Virtual World” where a lot of people are NOT aware about it, and there is the responsibility of Education to jump in and teach the learners about WHAT THEY have to be aware and ALSO how to protect as its BEST against: (TIP: read ONLY the text in BOLD to understand)



Image credit ===> <===

Check upper corner on right-hand side, there is “Digital Security” mentioned 😉 It should actually be ===>Cyber-Security <===

[GM] BUT anyway, it is THE BEST explication I ever have seen about “Digital Citizenship“!!!


Cyber Security



The Skills



 Image credit ===>  Transferable Skills Checklist <===


 EdTech Tools

ruotadentata2architet01Please find below a non exhaustive list of EdTech tools which YOU can use to facilitate the tasks:

THE combination of the above mentioned is “THE MASTER KEY” to build UP a modern society through learning (learning to learn) and coaching while using ALSO connected (trough Social Mediaglobal collaboration.


Collaboration-Working As A Team (Especially On Global) And Connected Through Social Media

community-jpegThe authors [GM], [MK], [DK] will comment here THEIR experiences through the adventure of global collaboration which THEY experienced.

[GM] My advice (as I am used to it since ages ===> (2002-2003) <===:

Before starting such a BIG project, YES it is a BIG one as YOU are dealing with different mentalities and cultures, is to set up rules up from the beginning to avoid BIG mistakes and not necessary stress for ALL.

This is called ===> Proactive THINKing <=== BETTER to use it as as YOU could come into situations without an issue when NOT doing it and WHO wants that!?

Concerning ===> Proactive THINKing <===: most people don’t know about WHAT it is, I will explain very shortly: deep thinking on what could happen in case of to avoid it up from the beginning. YOU could ALSO say: thinking of the “Worst case” who could happen and preparing to that it would NOT happen. OR, if YOU are smart, using Psychology for that it will happen (ONLY positive things…)! TIP: read ONLY the bold text to understand it quickly 😉

Check ALSO these links, please, who explain about “International Collaboration”:



Chapter 4

VERY IMPORTANT message for the TEAM.

Message for Mindy, Dan ===> Preparation

Some advice and rules:

Hi Mindy, Dan: I gave You the status “Editor” for this blog post. Please use ONLY this blog post for OUR “Collaboration and Coaching”!!! ====> EDUcation-Collaboration And Coaching | The Future – Private <=== Don’t touch anything else as when YOU are even seeing other things (my blog posts and…). ONLY THIS blog post, thanks! 

Here are YOUR possibilities:

I will give You some directions through messages marked in “brown“, as this text. WE will communicate this way. You do the same, please: using “brown” text for messages and questions…

If YOU think that something SHOULD get brought in MORE in this “brown” text, feel FREE to do so! BUT, then please use YOUR initials, such as [MK], [DK], thanks.

Once You have read the text, I suggest that You create an “unpublished” (Private mode) post on YOUR account where You copy the “brown” text into and save it for following and reminding 😉 Once done, please let me know and I will delete the “brown” text and save at new this post. So WE will have a good communication and the text will look later OK (when published “Public”) for the readers.

ALSO, so You will have saved a copy of ALL OUR interactions, which could be useful for You and YOUR LEARNers, maybe thinking of as using later that preparation for a new blog post of YOUR OWN on the #HowTo which WE could integrate also in this blog post (ONLY one link…) as part of YOUR OWN experience... It is IMPORTANT to know “THE way” on How To YOU did it for YOUR further “adventures” with OTHERS on collaboration…

 Some links who might be helpful for You:

At the bottom of this blog post You will see the keywords which WE were talking about: these will help us to NOT lose the line what WE want to do 😉 Feel FREE to add some new when they come out from YOUR brain…

Try first, please, to bring in YOUR insights in the mentioned ===> [MK], [DK], in “brown” text. Later You certainly will have something to suggest, which would be welcome of course. BUT, focus, please first on the mentioned 😉 Otherwise You could lose the topic(s) ===> advice <=== 😉

A good idea might be ALSO to post sometimes Tweets about the #HowTo YOUR learning is advancing (as well as in this post), so OTHERS will get little snippets, step by step, what is happening through a such way WE are doing 😉

The ===> Learning By Doing <=== is something which I have taught since 2002 already and especially with “Collaboration”, the WE is a win-win situation and the “Coaching” (NOT anymore Teaching) is a WINNER!

So, as I am the “ADMINISTRATOR”, I will be able to interact in this blog post and I will adjust some text, ideas and…

===> Please DON’T delete the “brown” text as I will do that when I think that it is necessary as “ADMINISTRATOR”, thanks! <===

One more IMPORTANT thing ===> authors SHOULD wait while seeing “locked” as it means that someone else is in “EDIT” mode ;), see screenshot below, please, thanks 😉




Author on EDIT mode


WE are multi-authors on this blog post, so WE MUST take care of each other and being respectful. WHEN YOU see a message similar as above, please DON’T click on “Take over” as that author is actually on “EDIT” mode and doing his work, thanks! Be patient, please… OR, as I did with Mindy: I gave her a friendly “DM” (Direct Message [Private Message]) over Twitter to let her know that I MUST quickly made an additional ADD, which after finishing I will let her know when finished and THEN I go out of “EDITING”, so that she can continue with her “EDITING” again. Thanks for respecting this… And thanks to Mindy to give his “Administrator” the time to do this, appreciated.

===> WE are using the “DM” on Twitter <=== for OUR communication, learn more below:


1ibdy1vf6wghd-n05dgl-attenzionearchitettofr01Very IMPORTANT: DON’T use any code, HTML and similar in the blog!!! If YOU want so, please contact me and WE will discuss about the possibility, anyway I would check the code before!



===> WE are neither talking about religion and politics, please, as they differ from each ones beliefs, WE respect THEM, BUT WE avoid talking about it to. <===

TIP: WHEN YOU see that someone else is in “EDIT” mode, so prepare YOUR text in a Word document (or similar) during the time that the author is editing. YOU will later ONLY need to make a copy&paste & formatting in “Justify” and YOU will lose NO time 😉

Let’s GO for it 😉

PS: WE will post in “Justify” as You might have found out 😉 I am used to that, so please follow, thanks. ALL my posts are on “Justify”, so WE have to continue like that, thanks.

Just write and format on “Justify” please, I will have a look later on #HowTo get it BETTER presented, don’t worry. Let it GO, let it FLOW… I will look on the rest, give me some TRUST, please, thanks.

======> DON’T worry about how the blog post is looking actually, I will CHANGE later. Some TOPICS need to get placed differently, coming later… First “Let it GO, let it FLOW and later the fine-tuning…

Slowly, but surely WE will go through it 😉 Rome wasn’t build in one day!


Visible Learning

programmerman2The author [MK] was communicating with me [GM] over “DM” (Direct Messages) over Social MediaTwitter“, a bit like a “Chat” where WE exchanged OUR different point of views (mostly common) about collaboration and coaching. [MK] is authorized to use this “private exchange” to create a new blog on her own, where she will add ALSO her notes to document her learning and her insights


  • [MK] My blog: 
  • [MK] Establishing roles, responsibilities, and a common language are key. A common language allows everyone to have the same foundation in which to build upon.
  • [MK] Communicate, Communicate, Communicate ===> TRUE open communication is key. Especially when various levels of experience are at play.
    • [GM] Remember every time the letter “C” in “ICT“, which means “Communication“.
  • [MK] Immediate and constant feedback are essential.  Feedback helps maintain focus along with eliminating any ambiguity within the group.
  • [MK] Consider the overall purpose. Is it to educate myself, individuals, other professionals? Let that be your guide to reach the targeted audience. Uncommon language or terms is confusing and will turn your audience OFF.
  • [GM] Mindy, please report ALSO about taking a break sometimes, very important 😉 Thank You. 



The participants (The TEAM)


Actually on July, 10th 2014 WE are three persons working together to learn from each other through Social Media Twitter, which WE will document here to give YOU, dear readers and LEARNers, the opportunity to learn ALSO from us.

To make sure that YOU will know WHO wrote WHAT, WE will use the following:

[GM]: Gust MEES (me, the ADMINISTRATOR of this blog post)

More about me: I am a retired “ICT Instructor” since January 1st, 2014. I gave courses to adults, seniors, teachers, elementary classes, as ALSO sometimes personal coaching to youth from the secondary Education. I will try to create a new blog post about my experiences over the years, who could help YOU as well.  BUT I am very active on Social Media and I give FREE courses online (a constructive pastime) about EDUcation and Cyber-Security. I was a pioneer in my own country as I started already in 2002 together with my LEARNers what WE are doing here now together.

I am an ===> autodidact <===! And ALSO a ===> LifeLongLEARNing person <=== and this since more than 45 years already, always loved to learn 😉

ALSO I was an awarded author on “Google Knol” during four (4) years, service who is NOW (since May 1st, 2012) discontinued and on the “Google Grave Yard“. I had about 1.4 Million page views 😦 and was author of the week in 2009.


Gust MEES-Knol-Author-Of-The-Week-2009


I was working together with +/- twelve (12) different authors from around the globe, which WE NEVER met before and creating blog posts together. It was a great experience which I loved. Thus meaning, I have a lot of experience through the years which WE will use together in this blog post.  More info about me on the bottom of this blog post.

 Some of my collaborative blogs:

I am online since 1998 and I read a lot of books and mostly magazines. I am multilingual, speaking six languages and understanding eight. I am living in Luxembourg (Europe), a small country with ONLY 537k inhabitants and a population of  44.5 % of foreign nationality (2013). Thus meaning: I am used to live together with different cultures and mentalities, which is a great help when connecting on Social Media with other cultures.

More about my country Luxembourg (Europe):

My books selection (EDUcation):

I created ALSO in 2004, that was a global innovation and STILL is, a theater piece about ===> LEARNing the basics of Cyber Security through a Theater piece <===, le “Théâtre Interactiv et Pédagogique” (T.I.P.), check below:


[MK]: Mindy KIM

userfredericmoser01[MK]: More about me: I worked in a variety of settings. I completed my undergraduate degree with an internship at Martin Technology Academy. where I was an Odyssey of The Mind coach as well.   My first year of teaching was as Lead Preschool Teacher at Christian County Head Start, before I transferred into the public school system in Clarksville-Montgomery County. Where I taught Special Education K-1 and this year I will be a General Education Kindergarten Teacher. I try to develop my professional learning by doing and experiencing different settings within education. I went to a week-long conference at Vanderbilt where I was 1-24 chosen, making up individuals from 10 different states. I continue to volunteer my time with Clarksville Association for Down Syndrome by helping to raise money, raise awareness,  and help bring more of the surrounding community to events hosted by the organization.  I am the Morale Committee Chair at my school. The committee and I plan events to help boost morale, plan collaborative events, and to spread well-being throughout the school year. Future goals are to study leadership and education policy to better understand the demands on constraints placed on all individuals working in education and how to make the field better for all.




[DK] Dan Kirsch

Greetings from Patrick Henry Middle School! My name is Dan Kirsch. I teach courses in Information/Communications & Technology (ICT) and Career/Technical Education (CTE) for students in grades 6-8. I completed my undergraduate degree in Education from Dakota State University in Madison, SD (USA). My first 3 years of teaching was in a rural public school in Chamberlain, SD (USA). My duties included teaching K-6 Physical Education & 5-8 Middle School Technology classes. The opportunity to attend graduate school to obtain my Master’s Degree led me to South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD (USA) where I obtained my MS in Athletic Administration. During graduate school I obtained a part-time teaching position within the Sioux Falls School District in Sioux Falls, SD (USA). After graduate school I was given a full-time teaching position at Patrick Henry Middle School in the Sioux Falls School District, which is where I currently reside and love every minute of it!!! In the last couple of years, I have gained a ton of knowledge through twitter chats and global collaborations, which as led me to this opportunity to be part of this collaboration blog! I look forward to collaborating and communicating as much information as possible to help PLN and myself as a teacher to continue on the path of Life-Long Learning!

TEAM’s Experience During This Collaboration And Personal Coaching

[MK]:thumbs up WHAT I learned:

      • Development of a common language, that enabled OPEN sharing of ideas, experiences, knowledge.
      • Broadened understanding of concepts students need in the 21 Century to be successful.
      • Deepened understanding and professional growth, using what I learned and applying it to interactions with students, parents, and colleagues.
      • Building mindfulness of the constant changes in education and adapting to meet the needs of students.
      • Critical thinking means: Critical self-reflection, self-analysis <== BEFORE taking action




[GM] sharing-iconApart from the already published experiences from me here, there is one essential point to highlight as well:

      • THE LEARNing rhythm and the ENERGY of the participants! One size doesn’t fit it ALL! Some have more ENERGY as OTHERS and as a TEAM WE need to adapt ALSO to this as a TEAM! It is IMPORTANT to let know the TEAM when someone is feeling out of ENERGY, which is human and NORMAL! WE ALL have different ways of how OUR life is organized and this shouldn’t get changes, so let the leading person know this and when that person is clever and professional enough, a break of one day will be offered to the WHOLE TEAM. We are humans and NOT robots 😉 BTW: I am HAPPY sometimes to get a day off as well 😉
      • I know that this isn’t easy to admit, BUT WE MUST do it as:
        • as otherwise WE could face a BURNOUT and that isn’t good for OUR HEALTH, nor for the LEARners as they would suffer from it as well. I call this ===> Taking care of OUR own PROFESSIONAL HYGIENE  <=== Find below, please some helpful articles:
        • BURNOUT and Collaboration fatigue



[DK]: Dan, YOUR text in here, please, thanks.





Collaboration With Parents And Coaching

community-jpegIn modern schools there are ALSO parent meetings where the parents get involved, they get noticed about how THEIR kids progress and WHAT about THEY can help for BEST learning of THEM. This is a modern concept of collaboration between the school inside and the outside of the school. It should be a partnership. Here below some articles who explain in detail:



WHAT YOU Should Know Up From The Beginning When Coaching And On Global Collaboration


          • There is a MUST to establish some rules and guidelines UP from the beginning as WE did in this blog post, or as Mindy [MK] said: Establish a common language. [GM] This common language should be “Respect, Tolerance, Adapting, Empathy, Social behavior…” to avoid mistakes.YOU  are dealing with different mentalities and cultures, so avoid BIG mistakes and not necessary stress for ALL.
          • When coaching:
            • [MK] Immediate and constant feedback are essential. When possible set up times when feedback is given and time can be devoted to multiple exchanges to express ideas, questions, and overall thoughts. This helps maintain the integrity and focus, especially when working in different time zones, states, and from various experience backgrounds.



Positive Side Effects / LEARNers Want To LEARN New Languages

book-question-markWell, I was surprised when coaching and working together with some educators as suddenly I got told that THEY wanted to learn new languages. This after THEY saw my Twitter posts (Tweets) where I had some conversations with other multilingual educators, where WE discussed on the same Twitter thread in Luxembourgish, German, French and English; switching the languages in one second time. This is a valuable occasion, especially as with the internet one finds FREE professional courses, which WE will present here below:

Below more from ===> <===:



BBC Languages – Teach yourself a new spoken language online.
American Sign Language Browser – Teach yourself sign language online.
Livemocha – Start learning a new language online for free.
Learn10 – Gives you a language learning habit that’s hard to kick. 10 new words; everywhere, every day.
One Minute Languages – Learn a new language via podcasts that are updated regularly.
Mango Languages – Over 100 lessons, shown to you in PowerPoint style with interstitial quizzes, to move you through any language without cracking a book.


Authors (TEAM’s) Requests

The authors (The TEAM), as being involved in a teaching profession, must consistently update THEIR knowledge for a growth of THEIR ===> Professional Development <===. So, here below what is requested by them and WHO from the TEAM could provide them that coaching about it.

[GM]: Mindy [MK] wanted to know about how to create a blog. WE were discussing about it and I created a new blog post about the how to, check below, please:

[GM]: Mindy [MK] would like to learn about HTML.

[GM] I will start soon a new blog about ===> HTML for beginners <=== A very simple step by step for the practice on how to use in the blogs, ONLY the necessary, NO complete course… So, through this blog I will coach [MK] on the same way as WE did already in this blog post.





Authors Time Zones

clockWE use this below to organize at its BEST for communication, Time Zones are sometimes very embarrassing.


When it is 05.51 PM in Luxembourg (Europe), then it is:

  • 11:51 AM in USA/ATLANTA (GA)
  • 11:51 AM in USA/NEW YORK
  • 11:51 AM in USA/Sioux Falls (ARIZONA)

When it is 07:00 PM in above states then it is 01:00 AM in Luxembourg (Europe).

.It could be possible, that one day there will be others joining in, WE are thinking on that…


Authors Time Zones

Authors Social Media Accounts, Connect With Them

sharing-icon[GM] Gust MEES: I am present on:

[MK] Mindy KIM: I am present on:


[DK] Dan KIRSCH: I am present on:



Useful Links Explaining About What We Are Doing

Learning from others

Please check @yeates_mark on twitter. Click the image to access account!

The below links are ALSO guidelines for us authors who are writing this blog post:


thumbs upCheck out ALSO authors reflections about ===> Professional Development: WHY EDUcators And TEACHers Can’t Catch UP THAT Quickly AND How-To Change It <===




Authors/TEAM’s Corner-Tools and Reminder


Hashtag on Twitter is ===> #EdCollCoach <=== a combination of “EDUcation” & “Collaboration” & “Coaching“.


Keywords to create this post (the authors guideline): [GM] engaging, collaboration, coaching, patience, passion, will to learn, trust, community, teamwork, communication, challengecreativity, organization, ADAPTING, Social Media, Twitter, change, culture, universal, leadership, leaders, partnerships, Empathy, Challenge, Trust, Responsibility, Priorities, Internet Safety, Cyber Security, Digital CitizenShip, Privacy, patience, time, transparency, satisfaction, Win-Win situation, , projects, concept, deadline, tensions, energy, structure, goals, constant awareness, fail, learning by doing, focus, simple language, success, student centered, interest, pedagogy, concentration, goal orientated, diligence, UPDATES, blog updates, happiness, fun, conversations, discussions, INDEPENDENCE of learners, advice, experience, generations, generation exchangematurity, naivety, NO STATUSQUO, Individuality,  patience, passion, knowing WHEN to take a break, LEARNing rhythm, one size doesn’t fit all, education, inspiration, vision, quick learning, saving time to learn through coaching, Professional Development through Collaboration & Coaching, peers, peer reviews, global exchange, global learning, global collaboration, fun, Sustainability, love for nature, curation, PLN, PKM, [MK] GRIT, Innovation, Team…


Link to a specific part of text inside a blog:


p2pnicubuculei01Use THIS space, please to bring in YOUR questions, ideas and thoughts. THEY are welcome and necessary for a GOOD collaboration. BUT, again, please with YOUR initials [MK], [DK] and this with the ===> brown text <===, thanks.


Example below…

[GM]: I will prepare this blog post on such a way that WE have ALL the necessary resources (links) which WE need on one place for the collaboration and coaching. WE will ALSO use this blog to update OUR knowledge on the use of WordPress and others if necessary… SO, if YOU see something here in this post which YOU don’t know how to, ask please and I will explain, don’t fear 😉 Takes mostly ONLY a couple of minutes to learn it…


[MK] I have made a screen-shot of the innovation process model… should it be placed in the POST anywhere?

[GM] Do You mean the one from page 4 of the report? ===>




L’auteur Gust MEES est Formateur andragogique / pédagogique TIC, membre du “Comité Conseil” de “Luxembourg Safer Internet” (LuSI), appelé maintenant BEESECURE, partenaire officiel (consultant) du Ministère de l’éducation au Luxembourg du projet  ”MySecureIT“, partenaire officiel du Ministère du Commerce au Luxembourg du projet ”CASES” (Cyberworld Awareness and Security Enhancement Structure).


The author Gust MEES is ICT Course Instructor, ”Member of the Advisory Board” from “Luxembourg Safer Internet” (LuSI), BEESECURE, Official Partner (Consultant) from the Ministry of Education in Luxembourg, project “MySecureIT“, Official Partner from the Ministry of Commerce in Luxembourg, project “CASES” (Cyberworld Awareness and Security Enhancement Structure).





The author Dan KIRSCH teaches courses in Information/Communications & Technology (ICT) and Career/Technical Education (CTE) for students in grades 6-8 at Patrick Henry Middle School in South Dakota, USA.  Students in his classes focus on Social Media, Educational Technology, and most importantly Digital Citizenship.


You can find me also on:

Top TEAM Why Coaching Time Zones Bottom



Stay tuned for next blog post(s) 😉







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