Luxembourg EDUcation-Interviews | 1) The Luxembourg EDU-System

05 Apr
Luxembourg EDUcation-Interviews | 1) The Luxembourg EDU-System


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The Luxembourg EDU-System

Serge LINCKELS (SCRIPT/LUXEMBOURG/EDUCATION)As on April 11th 2016 I had an interview with M. Serge LINCKELS from the Ministry of EDUcation in Luxembourg (SCRIPT) on the site of « eduPôle », the building from the Ministry of EDUcation regrouping different services such as :

I hereby thank a lot M. Serge LINCKELS for the heartily welcome and ALL the possible information which he was allowed to share with me. The interview was about 1h:10 minutes, positively surprised about to have that much opportunity, thank You M. LINCKELS 😉 WE were ALSO talking a bit about my past, the WHAT I did in EDUcation to know BETTER each other… Well, that was at least one educator, teacher WHO was able to listen, a quality which MOST people have forgotten! He was ALSO SO friendly to give me the necessary contact information for questions which are NOT in his resorts, OTHER hierarchy…

Well, THAT ISN’T a problem (there are ONLY solutions anyway…), and I am feeling VERY HAPPY  about that one of my major questions was answered very positively. It is about inviting OTHER educators, teachers for visiting Luxembourg to find out about the  “LUX-EDU-System“! YES, it is possible, WE will discuss it in the question section 😉

Concerning the questions and answers WE will use initials such as:

  • [GM] for Gust MEES
  • [SL] for Serge LINCKELS


  • Concerning the  Lux-EDU-System: Is there an infographic available which explains visually?


Digital 4 EDUcation-Luxembourg-2015-2

Click the above image please to access the website


  • [GM] There is a MASTER in Secondary EDUcation, WHAT about a MASTER for Primary TEACHers!? Is this foreseen, necessary?
  • [GM] Does the “Lux-EDU-System” ALSO include the communication with parents?
    • [SL] There are parent meetings and some schools are using ALSO Apps to communicate with the parents, else the communication from EDU is organized through SMS and eMail.
  • [GM] Update on 14-06-2016: Check ALSO <===>
  • [GM] Do the iPads, Laptops stay in school OR can the learners, students take them at home also?
    • [SL] Mostly they stay at school, but apparently some schools allow also the learners, students to bring their own devices.
  • [GM] Is it possible for anyone to visit the “Makerspaces” OR are they ONLY available from persons of EDU (Educators, teachers, students, learners)?
  • [GM] Is it possible for some of my followers from Twitter, who are Educators, Teachers from France and Germany to visit You for discovering about the NEW “Lux-EDU-System”?
    • [SL] YES, as long as You don’t bring me a whole train in 😉 [GM] A bit humor was possible also 🙂

Check ALSO the video below please from the official opening of <===> eduSphere. It’s in Luxembourgish and German.



WHAT’S NEW, Updates

Update as on 21-04-2016: CGIE published his first quarterly magazine, official text on Facebook (in French) <===>  CGIE Mag – Le premier magazine trimestriel du CGIE.
Un meilleur enseignement par plus de productivité !
Au vu le succès de nos articles sur internet nous avons décidé de publier trimestriellement une sélection regroupant les articles et informations les plus lues. D’ici là, n’hésitez pas à nous écrire pour nous soumettre vos idées pour nos prochains numéros.



The Luxembourg Education introduces up from September 2017 a NEW school system approach for LEARNing about ICT, sciences and mathematics, called “FutureHUB”.

Read more about:



Learn more / En savoir plus / Mehr erfahren:



[GM] The interview happened at 15h:00 (03:00 pm) and finished by 16h:10 (04:10 pm), 1h:10 minutes which was very constructive and pleasant. I got a lot of other information which I will use in other blog posts and interviews; foreseen are:

  • Technology in EDUcation
  • THE NEW Pedagogy
  • Professional Development for Teachers, BTW: In “Lux-EDU-System” it is called “Teacher Training”.
  • Makerspaces in Luxembourg Interview made on 25-07-2016 and published on 28-07-2016.

Stay tuned for next blog posts 😉


GUST-AVRIL2014-800px-2L’auteur Gust MEES est Formateur andragogique / pédagogique TIC, membre du “Comité Conseil” de “Luxembourg Safer Internet” (LuSI), appelé maintenant BEESECURE, partenaire officiel (consultant) du Ministère de l’éducation au Luxembourg du projet  ”MySecureIT“, partenaire officiel du Ministère du Commerce au Luxembourg du projet ”CASES” (Cyberworld Awareness and Security Enhancement Structure).

The author Gust MEES is ICT Course Instructor, ”Member of the Advisory Board” from “Luxembourg Safer Internet” (LuSI), BEESECURE, Official Partner (Consultant) from the Ministry of Education in Luxembourg, project “MySecureIT“, Official Partner from the Ministry of Commerce in Luxembourg, project “CASES” (Cyberworld Awareness and Security Enhancement Structure).


Portrait-Serge LINCKELS-SCRIPT-11-04-2016The author Serge LINCKELS  is the head of the “Media and Informational Literacy” (MIL) team at the Ministry of Education of Luxembourg. He represents Luxembourg at the working group on Digital Skills and Competencies (DSC) of the European Commission DG Education and Culture (EAC). He has been a computer-science teacher at the Lycée Technique d’Esch/Alzette, a technical school in Luxembourg for 20 years. Serge holds a Ph.D. in Internet technologies and -systems from the Hasso-Plattner–Institut (HPI) in Potsdam, Germany. His team is currently developing the new online learning and teaching environment of the Ministry of Education of Luxembourg “eduSphere” ( and coordinates BEE CREATIVE – makerspaces.






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