Learning basics of Cyber-Security

11 Oct
Learning basics of Cyber-Security

Learning basics of IT-Security and Cyber-Security


Why is it important to have basic Cyber-Security knowledge?


To answer that question above it is important to know the following first:


Chat icon[Beginning Text from]

Cybercriminals are looking for low-hanging fruit. Their targets are companies with poor defenses, a lack of security skills, and vulnerable end users. They’re looking for unlocked doors and open windows. The path of least resistance will always be the one most beaten down by bad guys.

There are many other reasons a cybercriminal might target your company and your employees, but the message is the same: ===> No business, no individual is immune. <=== Whether you are Sony or a mom-and-pop shop, you may be a target today. How you respond to that threat could make the difference between being safe and being breached. [End Text from]

In clear text this means that any private computer could be a target! Click the links below and learn more:

So, we know NOW that anyone could become a target of the cybercriminals, but what could the cybercriminals do with our computers and why is Cybersecurity so important for our Governments?

Well, cybercriminals could infect our computers and once infected they can take the control over our computers and we will even not remark it!

What can cybercriminals do with controlled (hijacked) computers?




You certainly have heard already about Identity Theft + Identity Theft More Profitable Than Car Theft — Krebs on Security and trojans, banking trojans, cyber-crime, data breaches and much more other strange words, where YOU can find related curation and FREE courses here:


===> But, did YOU hear also already about the actual hype around Cyber-War, Cyber-warfare, Cyber-Security? Wondering about what is happening? <===

Let me explain to YOU so that YOU will be able to understand it: Any Operating System (OS) if they are Microsoft, Apple related devices (Mac, iPad, iPhone and..), Linux and others are vulnerable and so could be at risk to get hijacked by the bad guys!

The bad guys are making big money with infected computers but also they use infected computers for terrorist actions to attack Governments, banks, energy companies and more… The bad guys are connecting ALL the infected computers together to form a huge network, called a botnet.

What is a botnet?


Read also e.g. [Start Text from ] “We know that foreign cyber actors are probing America’s critical infrastructure networks,” Panetta said, according to the Wall Street Journal. These people are trying to gain control over transit systems as well as chemical and electricity plants, he said, adding that the government has evidence of “specific instances” of such security breaks.” [End Text from]


So, the above mentioned is not ONLY happening in the US, but worldwide! Read my curation about it here:

By reading the above curated content YOU certainly will accept that there is a BIG PROBLEM and that a part of that problem could get solved when everybody has its computers and smartphones well protected, a MUST in the 21st Century! Any infected computer and smartphone could get used to attack YOUR Governments, read my FREE course about it here:

Several countries, such as the US and Europe have already started campaigns about it for awareness, check below:

This is what EVERY computer user must know!


community-jpegBy protecting YOUR own computer(s) and smartphones YOU will not have ONLY best protection for YOU but also for YOUR Government! YOU protect the Community! YOUR computer may help to attack YOUR Government when not protected!

MUST KNOW: once a computer is infected with malware it can infect also thousands of different other computers through Internet! So we all have a certain responsibility to the “Internet Community”, making sure not to infect others by applying best protection on our computers!

What about Mac computers? As I said it already, any Operating System (OS) is vulnerable and the Mac and other Apple related devices are getting targeted ALSO by the bad guys, read my curation about it here, please:


What is the minimum what we can do to help protect our Government?


globe-pcAs we learned already in the above mentioned content, any computer and smartphone is vulnerable and by having read my course Your Computer As A Possible Cyber-Weapon!? YOU should know now already that we must:

The above mentioned tasks are very easy to follow and don’t even take YOU a lot of time, so apply them please for YOUR own protection, the community and your Government’s security.


===> Be aware of the malware! <===


How do I know if my computer is best protected!?


I found recently a very interesting tool who checks YOUR computer: OPSWAT Security Score is a free tool that scans your computer for the status of your installed security applications and provides a score along with recommendations on how to improve both the score and the security of your device.


OPSWAT Security Score


Find a detailed report about this fantastic tool from PC-MAG


1ibdy1vf6wghd-n05dgl-attenzionearchitettofr01Very important ALSO and what most people don’t take care is ===> PRIVACY <===!!! WHY? Check my blog below to find it out:



Check also:


I invite YOU ALSO to play the game below, YOU will learn the basics of Cyber Security by ===> LEARNing By Doing <===, enjoy it 😉


VOVALABS CyberSecurity Game

Click the image, please, to access the game.


Check also the link below, please, where YOU find the details:






Stay tuned for next articles and free courses 😉




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28 responses to “Learning basics of Cyber-Security

  1. Patrick Bouillaud

    September 7, 2014 at 2:58 pm

    Reblogged this on Patrick Bouillaud Blog.


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