Tag Archives: bus-stop

WHAT 2019 taught me! The hard truth!! Analyzing…

WHAT 2019 taught me! The hard truth!! Analyzing…




WHAT 2019 taught me! The hard truth!!


Well, there is a LOT to say about on the How-To about people understand the handling with the internet, Smartphones, especially from EDUcation, but ALSO about people from different ages and nationalities in my country Luxembourg as also online, as well as the behavior of persons which is increasingly becoming aggressive and unsocial! Generally said: There is a brutalization of society (Verrohung der Gesellschaft), manners aren’t nearly existing anymore, social behavior WHAT is it? THE EGO is dominating!!! People DON’T listen anymore, they are responding straight with an EGO-Message NOT related to the discussion ===> vom Thema abkommen (DE), NOT following the TOPIC (EN)!! There is generally a lack of QUALITY anywhere!!


Related link:

Concerning EDUcation online on Social-Media twitter:

Chat icon


WHEN one follows Twitter-Chats: Chats existing > 5 years are STILL ONLY related to EDUTech, the tools and NOT related to Modern-Pedagogy, Modern-LEARNing, a stubborn manner to stay on Status Quo!!! WHEN will THE necessary CHANGE come?!!! THAT’S a RED-CARD (Arschkarte) from me to EDUcators, TEACHers!!!


Please read my blog post:


Concerning social behavior:

Bus-Stop Time-Tables

Bus-Stop Time-Tables

Unlucky wise I have a Bus-Stop +/- 10 cm in front of the house entrance with 2 and sometimes 3 different directions which means a HUGE traffic, noise and unsocial behavior. On the Bus-Stop there are rotating (mechanical) timetables, BUT a LOT of people aren’t able to use it and turn around themselves around the timetables (???) and walking inside my entrance of the house, which is private territory!!! ALSO they come in to the entrance and walk around, shouting in their smartphones and make a LOT of noise. NO respect, BUT they DON’T care about it!!! I installed an Alarm System to GET people away from it, LOTS don’t even care about it and when I go outside and explain that they are on private territory and that the Bus-Stop is outside my entrance they start to insult me, getting aggressive, some even wanted to give me a fight…


WE even had two times +/- 50 people in the entrance of the house and also in the garage entrance and wife was fearing as they didn’t move away after being told to leave the place; THEY became aggressive and rude!!!



















In 2019 WE had +/- 200 alarms (siren noise…) which were provocatively made by teens for their fun by streaming videos about THEIR challenges to annoy the inhabitants of the house!!! These are no longer pranks and up from next year (2020) they will get reported to the local police!!! Enough is enough…

People think that WHATEVER THEY do is allowed as IF THEY were at home, which for sure ISN’T, looks like a turn to anarchy. Even elder persons (45-75 years old) are following this strange behavior, WHERE is or WHAT is Social in 2019?!!! A forgotten behavior, the comfort and the EGO took it over!!! Respect is a behavior which persons, whatever age, have forgotten!!!

Up from march 2020 transports (Bus, Tram and train) will be FREE in Luxembourg (as first country in the world) and wife and myself are already fearing WHAT will happen THEN!!! Hopefully NOT MORE asocial behavior in front of the house… Same situation for the increasing number in cyclists, they are driving on the side-walks, mostly in opposite direction as the traffic and I nearly got hit by them while walking on the side-walk! Even that there were 2 cyclists (male in the 30s-40s) were making “Freestyle Cycling” by running with +/- 40-50 Km/h over our entrance of the house, teen skaters used the entrance of the house for their training, teens are doing Parkour on the walls around and in the entrance of the house…

People take more freedom than the law allows!!!

Bus-Stop-Time Tables QR-Code

Bus-Stop-Time Tables QR-Code


Concerning the use of Smartphones: nearly everyone has one, BUT they are not able to use it on the right way! Any time-tables in Luxembourg are accessible by an App and also by scanning the QR-Code which is printed on the time-tables. I have NEVER seen in 2 years ONE person who was using it in front of my house where the Bus-Stop is 10 cm in front. FYI: by turning around the time-tables that makes a LOT of mechanical noise as NOT greased and by hearing that noise more than hundred of times per day ====> GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!





L’auteur Gust MEES est Formateur andragogique / pédagogique TIC, membre du “Comité Conseil” de “Luxembourg Safer Internet” (LuSI), appelé maintenant BEESECURE, partenaire officiel (consultant) du Ministère de l’éducation au Luxembourg du projet  ”MySecureIT“, partenaire officiel du Ministère du Commerce au Luxembourg du projet ”CASES” (Cyberworld Awareness and Security Enhancement Structure).

The author Gust MEES is ICT Course Instructor, ”Member of the Advisory Board” from “Luxembourg Safer Internet” (LuSI), BEESECURE, Official Partner (Consultant) from the Ministry of Education in Luxembourg, project “MySecureIT“, Official Partner from the Ministry of Commerce in Luxembourg, project “CASES” (Cyberworld Awareness and Security Enhancement Structure).



Stay tuned for next blog post(s) 😉









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